Friday, November 19, 2010

Taffity Family Legacy

Generation 5, Chapter 5

Aragorn had Isaiah wrapped around his tiny little finger from the moment he was born. Isaiah and I never had a chance to even talk about kids when I figured out I was pregnant so I was happy to see how much a family man he seemed to be.

I, on the other hand, had thought I'd spend my early twenties adventuring around the globe. I'd wanted kids of course...just not yet. Still, holding Aragorn, I couldn't feel anything but love for this tiny little creature. He was a very alert baby, always looking at things and people - almost like he was studying them. "What are you thinking little man?" I asked as I cuddled him and he stared at my face.

And while he studied my face, I studied him. As much as Isaiah was Aragorn's "daddy", I still didn't know if he was his biological father. I briefly considered a DNA test but knew it would end up raising more questions. He had bright blue eyes which was a Taffity gene. Isaiah's eyes were purple and Jean's were green I think...and the beginning fuzz of hair didn't tell me much either. I would just have to wait and hope...

After his birth, life went back to normal around the house. Will was a very talented musician and my parents supplied him with every opportunity to improve including lessons, compositions, new instruments. There wasn't a day that passed that didn't involve music in the house as long as Will was around. He could play anything put before him with very little effort - his teachers called him a prodigy.

Mom had grown that long stretch of dirt into a thriving garden. She kept some of the produce for us but usually sold the rest in town or at the farmer's market. She was always on the hunt for new, exotic things to plant and grow and would spend hours tending to the plants. They thanked her for it by producing near perfect fruits and vegetables.

Since Data had gone, Dad didn't spend much time at his invention table anymore. It's like he'd lost the heart for it. Every now and then he'd get a special request from the military or someone in town and he'd build what they asked for but then it would gather dust again until the next phone call.

While Data had been with us, he'd kept up all the repairs and upgrades in the house, leaving Dad plenty of time for his inventions but now Dad used his considerable handiness to repair everything that broke.

Aragorn was about 6 months old when Isaiah surprised me one morning. "How would you feel about having another baby?" he said, pulling me in close to him.

"Um..." I sputtered. Another baby already?!

"Hear me out....I bet you want a little girl right? And if we have the kids close together we can get past all that potty training and diapers and such all together...besides I think Aragorn wants a playmate or two..." he explained.

I couldn't argue with him, mostly because before I had a chance he was kissing me and sweeping me off to the bedroom.

The one hiccup in his plan was his job. He left the house around dusk and usually didn't come in until after three in the morning. Then Aragorn was awake by six. The only time we ever had without Aragorn was during his nap or on Isaiah's days off. In the end we didn't get as much time to try as Isaiah might have liked.

But he was excelling at his job and had already been honored a couple times by City Hall for his work.

In spite of the odd hours, he always found time for Aragorn and I think Aragorn knew his schedule because many nights he would wake up right around the time Isaiah came home for work so he'd tell me to sleep and go calm the baby down. Once in awhile I would sneak into the nursery quietly just to watch.

The week of Aragorn's birthday, I scheduled a doctor's appointment as I'd been feeling some familiar feelings and suspected. The doctor called the morning of his birthday to tell me the news. "Oh that's wonderful doctor" I said, looking down at my belly. We were definitely having another baby!

We'd only invited a few people over for the party - he was turning one and didn't exactly have a wide range of friends. Mom made the cake - a skill I had yet to learn and we blew up some balloons. Aragorn loved balloons - or maybe he loved the colors? Either way he would smile whenever he saw them.

Dad asked if he could bring Aragorn to the cake - he and Aragorn had bonded, in fact like Isaiah, Aragorn had my dad wrapped around his little finger too. I think he had everyone captured like that...

He'd finally grown some hair and had the very familiar blond with pink - which gave me no clues as to his father. It's like he was a Taffity through and through. After he'd had a chance to have some cake and open a few presents (and eat the wrapping paper), I scooped my new "big boy" up into my arms and snuggled him and tickled him. He let out a happy little laugh which made everyone else laugh as well.

It wasn't until after all the excitement slowed down that his fuzziness became apparent. I thought he was just tired but as soon as he was inside the house he was happy as could be. I carried him back outside with me a but later to clean up the balloons and he started fussing again. That was my first clue that he didn't much like something about the outdoors....I squinted up at the bright sun. "It is bright..." I muttered and we went back inside, he was perfectly happy again and didn't fuzz again until bedtime.

"I don't think he much likes the outdoors." I said as Isaiah tickled Aragorn and got him ready for bed.

"Like father like son." Isaiah said with a chuckle. "I don't much like the outdoors either. Probably got it from me."

I raised my eyebrows, "I'm not sure that's genetic." I teased quietly.

Aragorn picked up walking really quickly, eager to follow anyone and everyone around the house. But talking was a slower process. He made a lot of incoherent sounds and I think he was trying to communicate with us - only we were speaking a different language than he was and visa versa.

One holiday weekend, Isaiah was determined to get something out of him that made sense so they sat down together and started. Within twenty minutes, Isaiah was mirroring Aragorn instead of the other way around and I couldn't help but laugh. "Who's the teacher and who is the student?"

Aragorn turned to me and smiled a toothy grin. "Dadda!" he said happily. "Dat Dadda!" he said and then looked at Isaiah, who was smiling and clapping. "Dadda?"

"That's right little man, I'm your Dadda!" Isaiah said.

End Chapter

At his brother's house

Niiiice lol

I love Isaiah hehe

Er...I'm not really sure this is a good idea

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