Chapter 14: The Premiere
"Why won't you tell me what's going on?" I asked Nai'a for the third time. She'd been very secretive about the whole CSU weekend thing.
"My dad has called your dad - it's all set up. Don't worry about it!" she said with a laugh. "Just be ready on Friday - we have a half day so we'll leave right after school!" she was half way down the hall when she turned back and called out, "Oh and pack something prom nice! If you don't have anything we'll go shopping..."
And she disappeared around the corner, leaving me confused.
Friday rolled around finally and I was waiting anxiously for her to show up. My dad was grinning like a cat - he was in on it and despite all my pleading, he wouldn't tell me anything about what Nai'a might have planned. He had, however, shown up the night before with a brand new dress for me.
When I got outside with my stuff, I was surprised to see Todd and Erik already in the car as well. I knew they were going but I guess I didn't realize we were all going together. Nai'a dad, Tony, and my dad chatted for a few as we loaded my stuff and we were off. "See you Sunday!" my dad called as we pulled away.
As soon as we got into the city, Tony took Todd and Erik off somewhere and Nai'a and I met up with Mei-Ling at a salon. Mei-Ling seemed as confused as I was but Nai'a had insisted we all needed to glam up for something.
A limo pulled up outside the hotel about the same time the room phone rang. Nai'a answered and after a series of acknowledgments, she made another call and then ushered us all downstairs where we met up with Todd and Erik, who were decked out in tuxedos. Her dad was also there and waved. "You kids have fun!" he said as Nai'a led us to the aforementioned limo.
"Aren't you going to tell us anything?" Todd asked, fiddling with his collar. Nai'a just grinned.
Twenty minutes later, the limo came to a stop in front of a large, elegant theater. Several photographers were pushing against the red rope that separated the onlookers from the plush red carpet that climbed the stairs. This was the type of theater where awards shows and premieres happened. I was still staring out the window when the door was opened and the driver offered me his hand. I climbed out and was blinded by a series of flash bulbs. I wasn't anyone important but they didn't know that until after the pictures were taken.

Erik had exited the limo after me and looked around in disbelief. It felt like we'd entered the twilight zone. We stepped aside so the next person could come out.
Mei-Ling exited and I couldn't help but laugh as the flash bulbs went off again, catching her by surprise. She looked over at us for some sort of explanation but the only person who could do any explaining was still in the limo.
Todd followed Mei-Ling in and was also blinded by the lights. Mei-Ling grabbed his hand and huddled close to him. This seemed to trigger another round of photographs. I guess the photographers were covering their bases.

Nai'a was the last to exit and the only one not to be surprised by the cameras. She smiled for them all, perfectly comfortable. They took more pictures of her than I would have expected for a nobody. I was going to have to ask her about all this. Having had her moment, she stepped over to us and looped her arms in ours. We made our way up the grand stair case. Once at the top, instead of going inside, she ushered us back down a side staircase. We joined the group of photographers and onlookers behind the red rope and Nai'a pulled out her camera from her purse. I'm amazed she could even fit it in there!

While waiting for the next limo to arrive, I had a chance to look around. There was a large movie banner strung above us. I had to strain to read it but I realized we were at a movie premiere for a big name science fiction movie. I instantly felt bad that Timothy wasn't with us. He'd talked about this movie before. I was dragged away from my thoughts though as dozens of cameras started going off.
Two of the main actors from the movie had arrived at that moment and there was a flurry of activity. Unlike my less than graceful appearance, these two were obviously somewhat used to the attention. They waved and smiled and posed together several times for the photographers. It took them ten minutes just to get from the door of the limo to the bottom of the stairs.

While I hadn't watched the series that prompted the movie as much as Timothy had, he had suckered me into a few episodes and it was a good show. I recognized almost all the actors as they arrived and I admit, even I had a bit of a fan girl moment being here amongst them.
They stayed near the bottom of the stairs until several had arrived, mingling with the photographers and guests - I guess the show wouldn't start without them inside. Ready to move on, Jonathan Talfey and Ian Macavoy had gone up the stairs some but the ladies were still chatting. It almost seemed planned as they turned back to summon their co-stars.

They all waved to those behind the red rope before ascending the stairs and disappearing into the theater. Nai'a motioned for us to follow her so we could get inside for the actual show then. She stowed her camera and then pulled out our tickets as we reached the door. After showing the tickets, an usher escorted us into the theater and showed us our seats in the second row.
The theater was packed with people. A lot of them looked marginally familiar and I wondered what I knew them from. A few I even recognized instantly and I felt the need to pinch myself to be sure I wasn't dreaming. "Is this for real?" I whispered to Erik.
Erik's eyes were still pretty wide in awe as well and he chuckled. "I guess so." he replied. He took my hand in his and squeezed it.
The lights in the theater dimmed twice to settled everyone down. Lights came up on the small stage in front of the screen. The members of the cast who had come to the premiere were standing there waiting for our attention.

"Thank you all for coming tonight." Tisha Caldwell said with a broad smile. "We really hope you enjoy the movie...and if you don't, please don't come hunt us down to tell us." she said. Everyone laughed and snickered. "So sit back and enjoy; and feel free to join us in the ball room after for a bit of dinner and drinks."
The cast members sat in the empty row in front of us. They were close enough that I could reach out and touch them! If I wanted to be labeled a stalker and probably end up with a restraining order of course. The lights dimmed and as the movie started, I looked over toward Nai'a. She smiled at me and winked. The seat next to her was empty when I turned her direction but before I returned my gaze to the screen, a familiar looking teenager settled in the seat next to her. He kissed her on the cheek in greeting.

Where did I know him from? He looked familiar but I just couldn't place his face. Nai'a eventually caught my eye again and smiled before pointing toward the screen, the movie was starting.
I'm not a huge science fiction fan but I do like the series and it could have been the situation. I mean I was sitting right behind several of the main cast! That tends to make a lasting imprint. As I watched the movie, I made the decision to catch up with the series, the writing was awesome and the characters were great. It was an interesting concept too.

After the movie ended, a thick red curtain fell across the movie screen and the lights came up slowly. The whole theater applauded and several people stood as the cast took their leave out a side door. The teen boy at Nai'a's side left with the cast and again I tried to figure out where I knew him. I found my way to Nai'a and took her arm. "You some serious explaining to do." I teased. "We'll start with the boy - he looks so familiar, who is he?" she was walking as we talked, the others were following I assumed.
"His name is Jasper Cassidy." she said playfully.
I sucked in a startled gasp. "Ash! He plays Ash!" I said a little loudly. "I didn't recognize him without all the blue...."
I wanted to question her further but we'd entered a grand ballroom. The cast was already mingling and Nai'a took us around to meet them all. They seemed very familiar with her and I wondered just how well she knew Mr. Jasper Cassidy.
They posed for pictures all night and there were several that had already been printed off for the guest; I assume they'd been taken before the show because Jasper wasn't in any of these printed ones. All of the cast signed pictures for us; they were all very nice and friendly.

"This has been incredibly awesome." I said to no one in particular. Erik was beside me and nodded, Mei-Ling and Todd were off mingling and being star struck. Nai'a was taking pictures of anything and everyone. I had a sneaky suspicion she'd be hitting me up for an article about this too. When she wasn't taking pictures of flirting with Jasper, she was talking to other photographers.
She'd gotten red carpet photographs off all the others actors and somehow even got one of Jasper - though I knew we'd been inside when he arrived. I think they may have disappeared and staged it at some point just so she'd have a complete set. Or maybe she got a copy from one of the other photographers.

End Chapter
Credit where credit is due: the red carpet theater is the venue for SIFF (Sims International Film Festival) and is downloadable from the Exchange; I didn't build it or anything, just used it for the event ;). If anyone wants to link please let me know.
Chapter 13: The Sock Hop
"And be sure to get your tickets for the Sock Hop on Saturday night!" the intercom said. "Tickets will be on sale all week during all lunches. Cost is five dollars per person."
"Why are we watching this movie?" Erik asked, his face looked comical as Danny and Sandy sang.

"Because of the dance of course." I said. "You have it easy, you already have your leather jacket and all; I need to put together an outfit."
"Couldn't you just look it up on internet?" he asked.
"Yes, but this is more fun." I said. I snuggled against him, effectively ending his protest.
"Mhmm. If you say so." he said. After watching awhile longer in silence he spoke up again. "I thought you wanted to take things slow?"
"This is slow." I said looking at him. "We're just watching a movie...and cuddling."
"But no kissing." he pointed out.

"Exactly." I winked. "I like the kissing but slow...slow is good."
"I can't say that I agree with you." Erik said with a smirk.
"You don't like the kissing?" I teased.
He chuckled. "I wouldn't know, we haven't done any of it recently. You could...ya know, refresh my memory."
I kissed him on the cheek and laughed. "Refreshed enough?"
"Oh yeah, that was great!" he joked. We joked off and on through out the rest of the movie. Periodically, Erik would groan - particularly at the start of most of the musical numbers - but he stayed for the whole thing.
Timothy, being on Student Council, was amongst the organizers for the Sock Hop. He had no hesitation in enlisting the rest of us to help. Erik was recruited for the band and Meghan, having a better voice than anyone else, was enlisted to accompany him.
Nai'a was on hand with her camera through the whole set up. She'd really gotten into this photography thing!

"Hey Ginny!" Nai'a called across the gym. Student Council volunteers were setting up balloons and directing caterers and moving furniture so I had to dodge a few of them to get to her.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Are you planning to go to that thing at CSU next week?" she snapped a picture of Principal Watts who had just walked in.
I couldn't stop staring at him! He'd always had a thick beard and was gone! "Wow!" I said softly. "He looks so....different!"

Nai'a probably took about a dozen pictures of him bopping to the beat of Erik and Meghan warming up. "So going in the newspaper!" she said happily. Satisfied with her shots, she let go of the camera for a second and turned her attention back to me. "So...the CSU thing...are you going?"
"Yeah probably, my dad said it was okay as long as someones' parent went along - otherwise he'll be tagging along for the trip." I said. "Why?"
"I have you covered there" she said but didn't elaborate. "I think you should write an article to go with my photos."
"Don't they have people for that?" I asked.
"Yeah but I don't think anyone is going from the paper. I mentioned I was and they want me to write no thanks!" Nai'a said. "But you're a great writer!"
"I'll think about it. Now are your parents going?" I asked.
"Yeah, but I'll tell you about it later" she grinned at me, holding back something and then nudged back in the Erik's direction. "Dance so I can take pictures!"
"No one is here yet!" I argued but I started dancing anyway.

It wasn't long before people started showing up and the gym was getting crowded. Erik and Meghan switched from warming up to actually performing along with some body I didn't really recognize on the drums.
Veronica looked in my direction when she first came in and I thought she looked a little conflicted, as if she wanted to join us, for a fraction of a section. Before she could, she was called over by her new friends - I was amused to see them all dressed in tight black clothes ala Sandy at the end of Grease.

Todd came in with Mei-Ling a little late. Even though we were the same age, she seemed older to me every time I saw her. I'm sure it was a mental aging on my part since she was in college and all.
"Hi Ginny" she said giving me a wave. Todd waved as well before spinning her away in a dance. I giggled at them and turned back to watch Erik. "Are they dating again?" Mei-Ling asked Todd.
Todd looked over towards me and shrugged. "Maybe, Ginny says not officially..."

"I don't think it will be long before it is official though." he added.
He was probably right, I loved Erik - and as much as I said take it slow, most of the time I just wanted him to kiss me and hold me. Part of me hated the fact that we'd missed out on a year and a half that we could have been together.
What would we be like now if we were like Alex and Tessa, for example. Those two had been together as long as I'd known them. They'd probably still be walking hand in hand when they were ninety; all lovey dovey and probably a little too sweet for their great grand kids. Glancing over in their direction, I grinned at the thought. They were just too cute for their own good.

After an hour, the band took a break and music was pumped through the intercom so the dancing wouldn't have to stop. Erik placed the guitar back on the stand and when he turned around, there was Meghan trying to get his attention. I couldn't help but laugh at her desperate attempts to win him over.
Erik, looking past her in my direction, saw my smirk and grinned at me. As quickly as he could he excused himself from Meghan's grasp. "Sorry Meghan, I owe Ginny a dance." he said as he headed in my direction.
"You do?" I asked, having over heard his excuses.
"Well I hope I do at least." he said with a wink. "Will you dance with my Ginny?"
"Hmm" I pretended to think about it before wrapping my arms around his neck. "I think I can do that." A slow song had just come on and I leaned my head against him, enjoying the feel of his arms around me. As it came to an end, I took his hand in mine and led him out of the gym into the hallway.
"Wanted to get me alone already?" he flirted, leaning into me; against a row of lockers.

"Something like that." I said. I placed a hand on his cheek lovingly and stroked his neck for a moment, gazing into his eyes.
He put his hand on the small of my back and used his other hand to brush a thin strand of hair out of my face. "Gin." His voice was low as he said my name.
"Erik.." I said softly. "Kiss me."

And he did. His kiss was like liquid fire, warming me from head to toe. It was familiar and yet thrilling in new ways.
End Chapter
Chapter 12: College Fair
He slid out from under the car and smiled up at me. "Hey Gin." His hands were dirty and there was a streak of dirt or oil or something across his face. He got to his feet and grabbed a rag to wipe off his hands. "How'd you know I was back?" he asked, leaning against the car he'd been working on.
I shook my head slightly. "I didn't. I took a chance."
Erik nodded. "Well what's up?" Without warning, I walked forward and leaned into him, laying my head against his shoulder. Without hesitation, he wrapped his arms around me and just held me there, supporting me without saying a word. He didn't say anything but eventually he coaxed me over the to the bed of the truck so we could sit down. He put his arm around my shoulder and let me just lay against him under the stars.

I may have laid against him for hours, although I know it couldn't have been more than ten minutes. Reluctantly, I pulled away from him to sit up. He seemed even more reluctant to let me go but he did so without saying anything.
"Sorry about that." I said, leaning back against the back of the truck.
"Don't be." he said. "You know I'll hold you any time you need." he added. We were silent for a bit, though it wasn't awkward in the least I noticed. "What's up Gin?" he asked finally.
"James left tonight and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye...." I said feeling crappy. Why had I come to Erik to spill my guts to about James leaving?

"I'm sorry." he said.
"Are you really?" I asked. "I mean...."
Erik put his fingers to my lips before I could say something I would feel horrible about. "I'm sorry you're sad Gin. And I'm sorry you didn't get to say goodbye."
I nodded, his finger still pressed lightly on my lips. I had to close my eyes to resist the temptation to lean over and kiss him. He was what I'd wanted all this time right? But no, not yet.
He seemed to be having the same thoughts I was, at least in regards to the kissing, because he sat up and leaned forward, slowly moving his hand from my mouth in order to cup my face.
It was my turn to place my fingers to his lips to stop him. "I need time." I whispered softly. "You've been unbelievably patient but can we just, take things slowly?"
"You need time," he said pulling back a little. I could see the rejection cloud his face with sadness. "Okay. Time it is." he leaned back in the truck bed and looked up at the stars.
"Time? You told him you needed time?" Nai'a asked in disbelief as we changed for gym class. "But why? You like him, he likes you..."

"Something James said before he seems like since I met Erik; I've always been with someone or drama surrounding someone or some such. I just need so non-awkward, non-drama time. Just Ginny..." I fumbled the explanation.
"Okay....I think I get that...." Nai'a said. I could tell by the look on her face that she was struggling to understand my logic. "What happens if he meets someone? Other than that Meghan twit of course?"
"Um....well I'll try not to take too much time." I said with a weak smile.
"Yeah you try that." Nai'a said with a smirk. "Look, I think I understand what you're saying Ginny but if you know who you want and he wants you then why fight it?"
"Because I'm trying to torture myself?" I said with a chuckle. Nai'a laughed as well just as Coach Reeves came in and told us all to get our butts moving.

With James officially out of the picture - and out of the state - Erik was at my side more often than Meghan's. He was the same flirty guy he was when we'd first met and seemed to be okay with taking things slowly. I was okay with it too, for once we were both single and neither was mad at the other for anything. Meghan, on the other hand, was not okay with it. She glowered at me mostly and tried to steal Erik's attention whenever she could.
Shortly after school went back, we got our SAT results - which was quickly followed by the annual College fair for Juniors and Seniors. Every event like this reminded me that I had no idea what my after high school plans were. I was still trying to survive high school after all!
The Student Council had gone to great lengths to get several colleges to set up tables. Some only sent materials for display but there were also a number of recruiters to ask questions. The cafeteria was converted into a rainbow of colors as each table was decked out with the colors of the college. There were balloons, displays of mascots and even a few that had awards and school trophies on display to show what they were most proud off.

Erik, who I suspected had minimal college plans, followed me over to the University of Texas's table. "You want to go to Texas?" Erik asked surprised.
I shrugged. "My mom went there." I said by way of explanation.
Timothy was talking to a recruiter from some Ivy League school out on the East Coast. I knew he'd done very well on the SATs, and of course was likely to be our class valedictorian at the rate he was going.
"Our Business school is very good, but one of our shining schools has to be Engineering." The University of Texas lady was saying. Neither really sounded like something I wanted to spend at least four years studying but the university was well rounded.
I heard Nai'a giggling and turned away while Erik was asking questions to see where she was. I wasn't sure which school it was but the recruiter sure wore a lot of pink. She didn't look much older than we were either. From what I could see, they had pictures of some of their more famous graduates on display as a means of recruiting.

Erik seemed more interested in the University of Texas than I was, he asked the recruiter dozens of questions while I looked around the room. I noticed Mei-Ling over by the most decorated table, for CSU. California State University was only an hour away and was the nearest university to our town. Timothy had enlisted Mei-Ling, as someone others would recognize, to help with the college fair.
I was ready to excuse myself to go over and talk to her when I saw Veronica approaching the same Ivy League recruiter Timothy had been talking to previously. "Curious" I muttered.
"Hmm?" Erik asked, turning his attention to me. I just shook my head and smiled for the recruiter. "We also have an excellent Arts program - being in the heart of Austin..." and she was off again.

Eventually Erik and I extracted ourselves from the chatty recruiter and made the rounds. At the CSU table, Mei-Ling gave us each a bag full of fliers, a Frisbee with the school name on it and CSU pens. "We're having an event for potential new students in a couple weeks. It's for current high school Juniors and Seniors, you all should come out. The main event is on Saturday night but there are things going on all weekend."
"Sounds like fun." Todd said, I imagine he was mostly excited about the potential of spending an entire weekend with Mei-Ling. He turned toward Erik, Nai'a and I, "You guys going to come?" he asked.
Nai'a just shrugged. "I'll ask my dad." I said, in truth, another college fair geared at recruiting me didn't sound appealing but I would have to get more details from Mei-Ling about it.
"Okay everyone, get together around Mei-Ling" Nai'a announced, pulling out a huge camera. I recognized it as one of the school cameras that the newspaper staff and yearbook staff carted around.
We did as we were told but not without questioning. "What's going on Nai'a?" I asked.
"I joined the newspaper as a photographer!" she said grinning. "I took some classes before moving here and they just lost one so I took a shot and applied. Come on now, everyone look happy!"

"You mean this is gonna be in the school paper?" I asked, looking confused. Of course that's when the flash went off. Great! I'm sure that picture came out good.
End Chapter
Chapter 11: The Winter Party
Between SATs and James's graduation, Winter Break kind of snuck up on me. Before I knew it, Erik had left for Virginia and Mei-Ling was more or less living over at Todd's house. Everyone had plans or things to do and me? Yeah I was bored. My dad figured that out after a couple days and attempted to throw me out of the house to go find some sort of fun. Didn't work until a few days later when Nai'a called.
"I'm on my way to your house right now." Nai'a said over the phone. "Get ready!"
"For what exactly?" I asked, lazily flipping through the channels on the television.
"We're going to this party I heard about." she explained. "I'll be there in a couple minutes!" And click, the line went dead. I looked down at my PJ pants and tank and realized I couldn't go to a party like this. As much as I whined about being bored over the past week, I'd grown accustomed to it and the idea of walking all the way upstairs to get dressed seemed like such a burden.
True to her word, Nai'a was ringing my doorbell a couple minutes later while I was changing. My dad must have let her in because I heard her charging up the stairs and she burst into my room as I pulled my shirt on. "That's what you're wearing to a party?!" she said
"You give me two minutes warning, this is what you get." I said. "Let's go." Ten minutes later, we were winding our way through town. "Where is this party anyway?"
Nai'a just shrugged. "Some place in the Heights division." she said. She pointed to her purse on the floor and told me I could dig the address out of it. We were pulling up by the time I'd found the scrap of paper - Nai'a had found it by the large number of cars parked anywhere that they could turn into a parking spot.

I looked at the scrap of paper in disbelief and then looked up at the house. "Ah crap." I muttered, sinking in my chair. I wished, more than anything, that I could dematerialize from this time and place and rematerialize back in my bedroom ala Star Trek.
Nai'a was grinning as she surveyed the house, the party was obviously in full swing as more and more teenagers poured through the double doors and music could be heard all around. She turned to me excitedly and then saw the look on my face and her smile disappeared. "What's wrong Gin?"
"That's V's house." I muttered.
"Oooh" she sucked in a gasp as she looked back at the house. "We can go...we don't have to go in, I just thought...." she shrugged. "I didn't know..."
"No, it's fine. Looks like every teenager from Franklin and Carson is in there - we may never even see her." I said, sitting up straighter. "Come on." I added as I climbed out of the car.
It took us ten minutes just to get through the throng of teenagers crowded in the front foyer. Veronica's house had a large open floor plan once you got past the front entryway so it was well suited for a large party. I looked over the crowd for familiar faces and saw a lot of people I knew, but no Veronica. I'm not sure if I was happy or disappointed about that.

The crowd only got thicker as the night wore on but everyone seemed to be having a good time. I still found myself searching the crowd for Veronica. Once I caught a glimpse of red hair but when I finally got a clear look at the person it turned out to be someone else.
Nai'a, who to this point, hadn't really seemed overly interested in boys had found a cute guy I didn't recognize to dance with. I meandered through the crowd until I saw Tessa with her arms crossed and a look of fury on her face. Tessa and I had never been overly close but she was nice enough. She and Alex had one of those sickeningly sweet relationships - they couldn't get enough of each other. Where there was Tessa, there was always Alex not too far away. Except tonight.
"Hey Tess." I said as I approached. "You okay?"
"Oh hi Ginny." she said quietly. My approach must have made her aware of her crossed arms because she quickly dropped them. "I'm okay I guess....Alex is late and I just ran into that Jayne girl on the way out of the bathroom saying something about it..."

Jayne Madison was one of Veronica's new "friends". Veronica could be a first class rumor mill but Jayne was probably the champion. She was horrible and I couldn't help but cringe at the thought of Veronica hanging out with her.
"Jayne is a liar and so fake I don't even remember what she used to be like." I said, actually trying to remember Jayne from elementary school.
"Yeah I know, just infuriating - as I'm sure you know." Tessa said, her fury had dissolved and I sensed tears were imminent. She's always been an emotional one.
I couldn't help but agree with her there. Not wanting to go down this particular line of discussion, I merely nodded as I scanned the crowd. I spotted a flash of dark red hair, too dark to be Veronica but within a moment, Alex came into my view. Tessa was looking elsewhere so I tapped her on the shoulder and pointed him out to her. The tears instantly disappeared and she grinned broadly before running off to greet him.

I watched for a moment as she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him repeatedly. "Ugh! Too sweet!" I muttered, but I chuckled as I left the happy couple.
The party didn't stop downstairs, people had spilled up the stairs and into the various bedrooms. I knew Veronica's house almost as well as my own; as I peeked into her parents' room I shuddered - there were at least two couples making out on the beds in the midst of several party goers just dancing. The mirror above her mom's dresser had a large crack in it and there was a bright red stain on the Oriental rug. No amount of club soda was going to get it out I figured. The only door that was securely locked and undisturbed was Veronica's.
Part of me wanted to go inside for some sick reason; as if being in the room we'd shared sleepovers in and talked about boys for the first time would bring me back the real Veronica. But maybe I meant the old Veronica - maybe this was the real V? I walked back downstairs, narrowly avoiding stepping on a pair making out on the stairs.
Our eyes met across the room as my foot hit the bottom step. She was in the alcove that served as a bar with two of her other new friends; Sierra and Katie. Sierra was probably the least offensive of the gossip girls. She was mean but only ever told the truth at least. The others had no qualms about lying to get a rise out of people. "What is SHE doing here?" Veronica asked aloud.

Katie and Sierra turned their eyes to follow her gaze and soon all three were staring at me. A small part of me wanted to recoil from their stare but I was so over Veronica's crap. I rolled my eyes and went in search of Nai'a; she'd abandoned her cute boy - or maybe he was getting them drinks. "Hey" I said, joining her in dancing.
"Oh hey! You having fun?" she asked, still concerned that she'd dragged me into the lion's den.
"Yeah. It's not so bad." I said. A couple of laughing guys stumbled into me, spilling their drinks all over me. "Ugh! Watch it!" I said.
"Oh sorry Ginny" one of them said. He looked familiar enough - I think I had first period with him. He started at me with his hand as if it would absorb the liquid but I backed up just enough to avoid contact.
"I'll take care of it thanks." I said. They laughed again and continued on their stumbling path. I looked down at my new shirt and frowned. "This sucks." I said. "I'm gonna go get some paper towels to try and dry it up a bit."
I knew there were paper towels behind the bar so I head there first, mentally steeling myself for a possible encounter with Veronica. She was still there, but Sierra and Katie had gone off to party I assumed. "What are you doing here?" she practically spat when she said it.

"I had a run in with one of your guests - I just need some paper towels." I said, trying not to accept her bait, I really wasn't in the mood for her BS today. I attempted to go past her and she intentionally blocked my path. So I tried the other side - of course she shifted her weight to block me again. I rolled my eyes and stepped back. "So not worth it." I said, then I turned on my heel and walked away. I could clean up somewhere else. The mirror over the fireplace allowed me to see her sputter, flustered that I wasn't going to rile for her, without me having to give her the satisfaction of looking back.
A few days before school was set to go back, James called while I was doing the dishes. I didn't even hear the phone ring so when I noticed a missed call almost an hour later, I was surprised. I listened to the voice mail;
"Good day my fair Queen Genevieve." he said, he sounded amused as he said it and I giggled. "My plane leaves in about an hour and I just wanted to say....I wanted to say goodbye I guess." There was a long pause in which I could hear the dim activity of the airport. "Well that's it. Call me or email if you need me." The phone line went dead and my automated voice mail started giving me instructions on how to replay or delete the message.
"Dad! I'm going out!" I called, grabbing my purse and car keys. I checked the clock several times on the way to the airport. He'd said about an hour...he'd called an hour ago. I jumped out of the car and ran through the airport, causing more than a few people to turn and look at me. I skidded to a halt in front of the first status board I saw.

I searched through the departures quickly and found his flight. Scrolling across the line I wanted to cry when I saw that it was boarding! Even though I knew I couldn't catch him - even to just say goodbye in person - I continued my dash through the airport, the security station seemed to take hours as I waited my turn but finally I was through. By the time I got to his gate, the plane was pulling away. As I stood there watching his plan leave, I imagined him looking out the window and knowing I was there. "Goodbye James." I said softly against the window glass.
A half hour later, I drove over to his place and parked the car a few houses away. The houses were close together here so I could see him outside. I'd come here for a reason, least it seemed that way while I was driving. But now that I was here, I just watched him. Finally, I climbed out of the car and walked across the small lawns, many of them untended and overrun with weeds.

My feet crunched on the dry dead grass and rocks. I was sure he heard me coming but he kept himself working under the car. "Hey." I said, after watching him for a moment.
End Chapter
Chapter 4
"My name is Leni Zane, I'm a private detective." the woman said, she began digging in her satchel for some sort of ID at that point.
"For whom?" I asked, getting to my feet. She held out her identification to me and I walked over to glance at it but wasn't too concerned with it.

"I was hired by the family of Felicia Gianni." Leni said. "To investigate her disappearance."
Hearing her name stung like always. I had talked to George Ortega obsessively when I first left the Bureau but each passing week, I came closer to accepting the fact that she was gone. I never said dead though, that was something I couldn't accept or acknowledge. "Not sure you'll find much out here." I said before walking in the small house and closing the door behind me. I took my phone and and shot off a quick two word text to a friend on the island before looking through the kitchen window to see what she was doing.
Leni stood in the sand looking dumbfounded. After a moment to collect herself, she came to the door and knocked.
I opened the door and leaned against the frame. "Look Ms. Zane, I'm not sure how you found me, why you found me or what service you think I can be of but I left everything I had on Felicia's disappearance, what little there was, back in the states."
"I'd still like to ask you some questions Agent Geirson." she said. "You were on the team assigned to her disappearance and the only one I have gotten in touch with...."
"I told you I'm not an agent anymore." I said. "How did you find me?"
"That's my job Nick alright?" Leni asked.
"No." I replied. My phone jingled on the counter and I snatched it up and turned away from Leni, still standing in the doorway. "Mmhmm...okay, thanks." I said to the person on the other end. "Sorry I can't invite you in, I've got business to attend to." I grabbed the shirt hanging over the nearest chair and pulled it over my head. With her still watching, I shoved my phone in my pocket and pulled a handgun from the drawer in the side table and stowed it. "Nice meeting you Miss Zane, enjoy your stay on Oz." I said pushing past her and closing the door behind me. She was forced to move back as I locked the door and left.
"But! We still need to talk!" she called after me. I didn't turn back to acknowledge her.

"She's from Pennsylvania, been a PI for a couple years now seems. Mostly does the divorce racket - ya know, spying on spouses for something to use against them in court later." Robert reported. "She's got a partner of sorts in the business but they usually work their own stuff."
"She ever work a missing person's case before?" I asked, looking over the quickly scrawled notes Robert had handed me. The fruits of his speedy labors.
"Nope, not even sure how the family found her; no time to really find a connection." Robert shrugged. "She arrived on a flight yesterday, has a return ticket for Monday. Guess she figured you'd be easy work eh?" he smirked.
I shrugged. "Thanks R." I slipped him some money, more than his usual fee. "Let me know if you find anything else."
My phone buzzed as I was walking away from him; I had a text message from John - although I was ninety-nine percent sure that was not his real name. "The Bum @ 1". "Brilliant" I muttered, tucking the phone and R's notes in my pocket.
John had already ordered himself a large plate of food by the time I arrived at the small beach-side diner, of course being an island there wasn't much that wasn't beach-side around here. I sat down across from him and tried not to show interest in the file he had open on the table.
His mouth full of food, he pushed the file at me and kept eating while I flipped through the contents. There was an arrest photograph of a dark haired, dark eyed man and several pages concerning the activities that led to said arrest. "Significance?" I asked when John stopped eating finally.
John tapped the photograph. "Look at his name." he said, wiping his mouth.
I looked down at the file. "Luna, Victor Luna....luna....moon!" I looked up at him, my eyes wide and he was smiling arrogantly.
"How do you know?" I asked eagerly. I started scouring the file; there was no mention of charges of murder or even violent crime.

"He was one of the Family enforcers." John said. He was going on about details of his mob activities when I cut him off.
"John, according to this he was killed in a prison riot five years ago." I said thrusting a particular piece of paper in his face.
"I saw that too, but they assumed it was him due to circumstantial evidence, no medical autopsy was ever filed." John said.
I flipped through the file again and realized he was right. "So he escaped?" John just shrugged. According to the file and John's word; Luna was suspected in multiple murders as an enforcer but no evidence could ever be found. They even had testimony from someone who had turned states' evidence describing the moon statues and Luna's M.O. but not enough to convict him of murder. Eventually he'd been gotten on fraud of some sort. "Thanks John." I said, sliding payment across the table to him. He quickly took it and put it away without even counting it.
He knew I was good for it. And I knew better than to short him.
"Be careful with this one Niko." he said. He left without elaborating further. I paid the bill for his meal and tucked all the contents of the file together to leave. On the way out I nearly collided with a tourist going in for a meal.

"Good luck" I muttered to myself; John was the only local I knew who willingly ate at The Bum. But the tourists flocked there for some reason I could never understand. Then they spent the next day balled up in a fetal position wishing they could never eat anything again.
The sun was starting to set so the Bar was getting busy with college kids looking for a good night with music and alcohol. The legal drink age on Oz was eighteen so college kids flocked to the Bar every night. I spun a bottle in my hand and poured several shots in a row for a giggling batch of girls. As I handed them each their shots, I winked in their direction before moving on.
"So this is what you do now?" Leni asked with a smirked on her face. "Get college girls drunk?"

"A man's gotta live on something." I said with a grin. "And it's not just college girls." I added with a wink. I surveyed her change of attire appreciatively. "I see you abandoned the heeled boots."
Leni nodded. "When in Rome." she said. She glanced around the Bar for a bit while I served a few more customers. "So can we talk now?" she asked over the den of music when I finally got back to her side of the bar.
"You see the people here? Kinda busy doing my job." I said.
"Your job? This isn't your job! You're decorated former military! You're still an agent with the..." she was getting loud so I leaned in close to her, placing a drink before her.
"I'd appreciate it, Ms. Zane, if you wouldn't try telling me...." I glanced around. "Or the rest of the world" I added with a piercing look, "what my job was." I stood back and motioned to the drink. "Now drink up and have a good time." I left her looking dumbfounded again, it was a cute look on her I noted.
Either she had to much to drink or took my advice to heart because after swaying unsteadily in her bar stool to several songs, she got up and walked awkwardly toward the stereo. While I had my attention elsewhere, she started swaying to the music.

Her dance induced several college guys to swarm to her side, all wanting a chance and all bearing more drinks for her. I watched, mildly bemused, from the bar as the night wore on. I tried to keep an eye on her so no one swept her off in her drunken state and at the end of the night I found her passed out on a lounger on the beach. Careful not to disturb her too much, I picked her up and carried her back to my car. I noticed her clothes were soaked and I wondered if she'd gone out for a swim while I wasn't watching; I shuddered to think of the possibilities given her state. Her eyes fluttered open for a fraction of a second and she wound her fingers through my hair with a gentle, albeit drunken, stroke.
After situating her in the car, I pulled out the notes from Robert and tried to decipher his scrawl for a hotel name.

I woke up sore and with a mild headache. I looked at my watch and moaned at the early hour, it was before seven in the morning. Once upon a time, I was always up at that time but I hadn't worked until after three in the morning then - well not usually. Once I felt the morning sun streaming through the windows, I knew I'd have to give up on the prospect of sleep.
I got up and stumbled my way toward the coffee maker and started coffee brewing. It would be one of those coffee-required days, that much I knew for sure.

With a fresh, hot cup of black coffee, I opened the satchel I'd thrown aside so carelessly the night before and pulled out the files inside.
I heard the creaks of the floor boards above me thirty minutes later. She moaned loud enough for it to carry downstairs and I smirked. I stood up and made sure there would coffee ready and then returned to my reading material at the table.
She tripped over the slightly bowed board at the top of the stairs and cursed loudly. A moan followed immediately and I imagined her holding her head. For a second, I wondered if I had any aspirin for her - she would be needing it. Then she came down the stairs and I forgot about the aspirin.

End Chapter
Chapter 10: Graduation Party
Somehow I didn't realize it was December until I was sitting there, checking my email and saw a bunch of emails about trips for winter break. Was it really winter already?! It didn't really feel like winter, of course it never felt like winter around here. Someday - I would live somewhere where there were seasons.

I cleared out the last of the "Ski Trip Specials" emails and was about to close down internet explorer to go to school when another new email popped up. It was and e-vite from an automated site so I couldn't see the sender or details without opening it. Opening it, I read the top line.
"James Dunmire would like to invite you to his graduation party! Saturday, December 16th at 8PM..." it went on with the RSVP details. I hovered over the RSVP button for several minutes. We were friends, we'd broken up amicably...and I did want to see him again before he left town. I heard my dad calling from the kitchen and hastily clicked yes and then shut down the computer.
"You're going to be late, Todd and Meghan are outside already." my dad said, handing me a muffin as I grabbed my backpack from the front hall. "Does that girl ever stop talking by the way?" he asked.
I shook my head and gave him a quick kiss. "Sadly not." I said, running out the door to my car and passengers.
"Hey Ginny!" Todd said as we go under way toward school. "You get the e-vite from James? I thought you two broke up."
I started to reply but heard a gasp and sputter from the backseat and glanced back to see if Meghan was choking or something. "You guys broke up?" she asked; she looked anxious at the thought that I was no longer attached to James.
"Mmhmm" I said with a nod. Looking over at Todd, "He invited you too?" Todd nodded in assent and I chewed over this new development the rest of the trip to school.
At school, Nai'a approached first about the e-vite. "Aren't you two broken up? I mean, he's a nice guy and all but if you two aren't a couple doesn't that like...sever the link?"
I didn't even get a chance to reply before Erik approached us. "Did you all get invited to James's grad party too?"

"Yes, he invited everyone I guess! Yes I plan to go! Yes I'm still friends with him! Whether you all go is up to you!" I said quickly and pushed past them. I'm sure they thought I'd gone mental; I felt mental! It felt weird that James had invited "my" friends even after we'd broken up. It probably shouldn't, they'd all gotten along with James well enough and he was probably trying to be nice - but they were my friends! He had his own friends and his own high school! Why did this bother me so much?!
All of my friends decided to go to the party after all. I'm not sure if they felt rude to refuse or were trying to be supportive of me or simply wanted a good party. Nai'a even managed to drag Timothy out of his house; he hadn't been willing to go to anything lately and we were all a little anxious for him. I was happy to see him at the party and happy to see he seemed to be having a good time. Whatever had been pressing down on him lately, seemed to have been lifted for the night anyway.

Meghan, who I never really thought got an invitation and had merely attached herself to us once again, hung onto Erik's arm as if he were a life raft. The more desperate she acted, the more secure I felt that Erik hadn't given her any real encouragement at all. I'd seen him flirting with her on occasion of course - those moments had made me more jealous than they should have considering I was dating James at the time. But, in hindsight, I could tell that she was doing most of the flirting and he was just trying not to crush her little freshman heart.
I probably could have cut in and burst her little delusional bubble, but I wasn't in the mood to dance really. I hung back from the crowd near the buffet table while considering why I'd come to this party instead. 'Ever the life of the party Gin' I thought bitterly.

Todd had invited Mei-Ling as well, but since she was over an hour away, it wasn't too surprising that arrived at the Castle well before she did. He came over to me and put his arm around my waist. "Hey, you okay?" he asked quietly.
"Um, I think so." I said fiddling with the selection of food on my plate. "I'm not sure why I'm here...except maybe to torture myself."
"You're being supportive of a friend; like you always are." he said, snatching a baby corn from my plate.
"Hey! Those are my favorite!" I said with a small laugh.
Todd grinned, showing off bits of my chewed up baby corn in his mouth. "Mine now!" he said.
"Ugh! You can keep it now!" I said but chuckled. Being best friends for so long, we'd grossed each other out far worse over the years. I saw Mei-Ling enter the room and pointed her out to him. "Better stop acting like a dweeb now." I called as he went over to her. He turned to wink at me as he led her into the throng of people to dance.
He was barely gone when someone else claimed my attention. "Thanks for coming Ginny." James said. He stood a small distance away from me and we both seemed to notice it.

"Congratulations James." I said. We shared a (slightly awkward feeling) hug. Unsure of what to say next, we both stood there, moving slightly to the music. "Are you having an actual graduation ceremony?" I asked finally breaking the silence.
"No, there are only two people graduating early so they'll just combine it with the normal May ceremony. If I'm in town I can walk with the rest of my class though." he explained.
"And will you?" I paused. "Be in town then I mean?"
"Um, I don't know. I haven't really thought that far ahead." he said. The silence between us resumed and I fidgeted with my food. To my surprise, he took the plate from my hands and placed it aside and then took my hand. "Will you dance with me?" he asked. He had that familiar mischievous smile on his face that had always hooked me. It worked this time as well and I let him lead me into the crowd.

"Ginny, you don't look happy." James said after awhile. "I thought breaking up was what you want but didn't want to be the one to do..."
"I'm..." I let the music cover the silence as I thought about what I wanted to say. "I'm feeling confused James." I said feeling a slight sting of tears in my eyes. "I never wanted to break up exactly; but I think it needed to happen. I guess I was a coward about that huh?"
"No, not a coward. You didn't know what you wanted...right?" he replied, stroking my cheek. "I like you Genevieve Bartlett, I have been captivated by you for over a year now and I am so happy with the time we had together."
"See now when you say things like that, it just makes me more confused." I said with a pathetic laugh. "I like you too James, it's just...I still don't think I know what I want."
"I know Ginny, it's okay. You're allowed to not know." his palm was warm against my cheek. "But should you find yourself in need of a friend...or some sort of clarity, I will always be there for you. Just a phone call or email away."
"Thank you James." I gave him another hug and this time it didn't feel awkward at all.

"Can I give you one small piece of advice?" James asked, still holding me fairly close. I nodded my consent, "Take time for you and you alone. It's okay to be alone sometimes you know. Might help the confusion you're feeling clear a bit if you don't have anyone else around."
I chewed on my lower lip a bit as I thought about his words and then I hugged him one more time. "Thank you, for the last year - you are a great guy James. Possibly a perfect guy." I said with a smile. I didn't want to say goodbye, I lingered a moment before kissing his cheek. I left it at that and walked out of the Castle feeling a little easier than when I'd arrived.

The party continued without me as I knew it would. Outside, I found a quite spot on the hill and sat down in the grass, looking up at the same stars Todd and I had looked upon as kids and the same stars Erik, Todd and I had looked upon just last week.
Maybe he was right, maybe I needed to be alone in order to think clearly....
End Chapter