Chapter 7: The Sleepover
A week passed and Veronica had remained silent about Todd and Mei-Ling. Sure every time I saw her, she was watching them with that conspiring look but she didn't do anything. I waited with baited breath when they posted the cheerleader results; V was an alternate, Mei-Ling made the squad - and still nothing.
"Are you watching Veronica again?" Erik asked me one day in the hall. He had an amused grin on his face. He didn't understand my anxiety but didn't try to stop me.
"Hmm?" I asked glancing at him. As his words registered I laughed. "Yeah, she's not one to give in and she seems to have a decided Mei-Ling is the enemy this time." I said.
"So what's new on the front?" he asked looking over at Veronica with me.

"Not much. She's gossiping like always. I'm not sure who it's about though." I said trying to hear over the crowd of students.
Erik shook his head. "You'll never hear her over this noise. I'm sure whatever it is will be all over school by lunch though." he said turning to my locker which he opened with ease.
"How do you do that? I can never get the thing open." I asked turning away from Veronica and toward my locker.
"Well if I told you, you wouldn't need me." he said with a wink. He gave me a light kiss. "Gotta go see Mr. Watts before class. See ya later." he said and left. I grabbed my books and looked back to find that V had another gossip victim in her grasps. She was closer this time and just as Mei-Ling walked up, I her V say her name.

Erik was right, Veronica's rumors - all baseless and about Mei-Ling - were all over school by lunch and it got worse as the day wore on. People would approach Mei-Ling and snicker before making a joke at her expense.

I tried to pull Veronica aside most of the day but she avoided me. Finally, at the end of the day, I got her alone near our lockers.

"What are you playing at V!?" I asked loudly. "Do you know what you've done to her?"
Veronica looked smug, obviously proud of herself but made no reply or attempt to justify her actions.
"Right, you don't care." I said disgusted. "Do you remember 7th grade V?" I asked giving her a look. I saw her smugness slip for a second or two and walked away.
Veronica recovered herself quickly and put the thoughts out of her head when she saw Mei-Ling walking across the hallway. She jogged over. "Hey Mei-Ling!"

Mei-Ling looked at her warily but said nothing.
"Todd just wanted me to tell you he has to stay after school for a couple hours - some meeting with Coach Reed. So he can't meet you until 6 at the diner." Veronica said trying to look sincere. Mei-Ling barely inclined her head in acknowledgment of Veronica's words. Veronica smiled and waved goodbye before jogging down the hall toward her science classroom where she knew Todd was meeting their teacher to talk about an assignment. No one else was in the room except Todd when she got there. She approached him and smiled. "I just saw Mei-Ling, she said she has a lot of studying to do so she wanted to meet up with your earlier than y'all planned." she said sweetly and then looked around. "Hey Mr. Green?"

Todd shrugged. Veronica shrugged as well. "Well she said she'd be at the diner at 4 instead of 5, okay?" she said. Todd just nodded and Veronica left the room with a bounce in her step. She waited out of sight until she saw Todd leave the school and then headed to the diner after him. He was barely seated at the table when she walked in looking confident.

"Hey Todd! Mind if I sit for a few - I'm getting my order To-Go!" she said. She sat before he could reply.
"Well I..." he trailed off as she took the seat anyway. He suspected the rumors had originated from Veronica but wasn't quite sure.

"So Todd..." Veronica said leaning toward him.
Todd leaned away from her slightly. As much as her presence irritated him right now, he didn't want to cause a scene.
She placed a hand on his leg. "Homecoming, what time are you picking me up?" she said smiling at him.
"Um wha....huh?" he sputtered looking from her flirty smile to the hand on his leg. "We're not going to Homecoming together."
"We talked about it in the Spring remember Todd?" Veronica asked pretending to be surprised at his reaction.
"Yeah I remember and a lot has happened since then - you broke up with me for one and I'm seeing Mei-Ling for another!" Todd said jumping to his feet.
Veronica stood up as well and tried to lean in close to him but he backed away. "No V!" he said. "I'm not going to Homecoming with you, I'm not dating you and I'm not even sure I like you right now!"

"But Todd..." Veronica said floundering. She had expected him to be resistant but not like this.
"I know it was you." Todd said glaring at her. "I know it was you who spread those awful rumors about Mei-Ling. Every one of them was a lie but you knew what would happen!" Todd shouted at her. "it was cruel - even for you."

"Todd I didn't! I wouldn't!" Veronica lied, glancing around for some sort of back up but the light crowd was deliberately ignoring them.
"You did. You talk and talk because then people have to pay attention to you. This time you were just mean." Todd said as Mei-Ling walked in - wisely having ignored Veronica's "message" from Todd.

Veronica looked over and saw Mei-Ling and narrowed her eyes. She looked at Todd and then squaring her shoulders she turned and walked out, deliberately bumping into Mei-Ling as she left the diner. Erik and I were quietly eating in the back booth as it all went down and as V left, I stood. "Be right back." I said to Erik and followed her. I smiled as Todd and Mei-Ling hugged as I was leaving.
"V! Wait!" I called from the stairs. She hesitated and then kept going. I jogged to catch up with her. "Veronica!"
She whirled around one me. "What?! Come to tell me how cruel I am too?" she asked glaring at me.
"No, I came to ask if you were okay?" I said quietly.

"What do you care?" Veronica asked coolly
"You called me your friend, granted you wanted something at the time but still - you were right. I am your friend, even if you're being mean." I said. "Come over to my house tonight - we can have a sleep over, like old times."
Veronica rolled her eyes at me. "No." she said simply.
"Yes." I said grabbing her purse and digging out her phone. I dialed her mom's cell number by heart and handed it to her. "Tell her you're spending the night at my house." I said with a smile.

Veronica eyed me but finally seemed to accept it and told her mom what was up. When she hung up she looked at me. "Why am I staying at your house again?" she asked.
"Because you need it." I said putting my arm around her shoulder. "Come on, you can eat with Erik and I and then we'll go home." I said guiding her back into the diner. She resisted but followed along anyway.
We stopped by Veronica's house on the way to mine so she could grab some stuff. The first order of sleepover business was a night time swim.

"Truth or Dare V?" I asked, already knowing she'd say Truth - we both always did.
"Truth." she said treading water.
"Are you more upset that you didn't make the squad or that Mei-Ling did?" I asked looking at her.
She didn't reply. She swam away from me to the stairs and climbed out. I waited a moment and then followed her. "Well?" I asked as we both sat back on the lounge chairs. "I know you never particularly cared for gymnastics or dance when we were in it, so I suspect you only tried out either to be popular or show Mei-Ling up...."

She still didn't reply for awhile. I leaned back and stared up at the stars, leaving her to her thoughts. "You're right" she finally said breaking the silence. "I was trying to beat her. I don't care about cheerleading but the fact that SHE made it...." she trailed off.
"And Todd?" I asked looking at her. "You don't want Todd for Todd do you? You want him because she does." She didn't reply but I detected a tiny nod of her head.
"Gah! She's just....she's everywhere Ginny!" Veronica said jumping to her feet. I stood up as well and took her hand.
"Come on let's go dry off and change." I said leading her to my room. She took a shower first. When I finished my own shower and came out, she was laying on my bed. I laid down next to her.

"What's your deal with her V?" I asked.
"She's taking over my life Ginny! She took my house, my family, my school," she said looking at me.
"What?" I asked sitting up on the bed. "You asked me to be nice to her, to show her around because you didn't want to. She's nice, she's my friend but that doesn't mean you aren't."
"I know all that Ginny." Veronica said sitting up as well. "I just..." she trailed off and then got up. "I'm hungry, let's get a snack." she said breaking off the topic before it was done and leaving the room. I hurried to catch up with her and joined her in the kitchen.
"Sit, I'll get us something." I said pointing to the barstools. Veronica sat and watched me as I opened the fridge. "It's just what V?" I asked trying to open up the conversation again.

Veronica just watched me make us some sandwiches and didn't reply until I set a sandwich and chips in front of her. She stared at her food without touching it and I thought I heard a sniffle. I looked over and she was wiping her face. "When I called my mom earlier, she didn't even know I wasn't in the house. I could have told her I was going to Paris for the weekend and she wouldn't have cared - she wouldn't have even noticed I was gone probably." she said playing with the chips on her plate. "But she asked me where Mei-Ling was. She notices when she's gone but not me." she said looking over at me. "Not me Ginny, I'm not important enough to be noticed in my own house but she is."
End Chapter.
Chapter 6: Back to School Weekend
I was pacing in the living room and my dad was working on his laptop in the kitchen when the doorbell rang. He was here...why was I so nervous?

Oh that's right, he and my dad really didn't meet much over the summer, I mostly met up with Erik somewhere or was in a rush. I did a quick check of myself and turned to walk to the door only to see my dad already up and walking.
"Daddy!" I hissed running after him. He didn't reply but I heard him chuckle.

He beat me to the door and let Erik in but he did step aside so I could greet him with a quick hug. Erik intentionally came to the door without his leather jacket and looked very respectable. I'm not sure my dad noticed the effort.

"Daddy, Erik. Erik, my dad" I said nervously. Technically they'd met in passing a few times over the summer but not for more than a few seconds. My dad motioned for him to come in and I suppressed an annoyed groan. Erik could read my face though and winked at me as we walked into the living room. I sat on the couch, hoping Erik would be able to sit with me but my dad beat him to the spot. I didn't say anything, Erik didn't say anything.

They talked about nothing important - sports mostly. My dad showed no indication that he didn't approve of Erik and Erik showed no indication that he knew better. After about 20 minutes I interrupted indicating we'd miss the movie, thus saving myself from more fake sports talk.
At the theater, as we waited to get our tickets, Erik just grinned at me. "What?" I finally asked.
"The movie doesn't start for another hour - you knew that." he said.
"Yes but another hour of sports talk would have been the end of our date." I said with a laugh.
Erik nodded. "Thanks for the save." he said pulling me closer and giving me a kiss.

Inside the lobby, I wasn't surprised to see familiar faces. There is only one movie theater in this area so a lot of teens come every weekend. I WAS surprised to see Todd and Mei-Ling together...on what looked like a date.

Veronica came in alone as Erik and I got or snacks. She spotted Todd and smiled briefly - then she saw Mei-Ling. I hoped we weren't all seeing the same movie. Of course we were.
Snuggled against Erik, I tried to watch them movie but kept glancing over at Veronica and Todd and Mei-Ling. Veronica was not pleased but seemed intent on stay through the movie, mostly to glare at them.

After the movie was over, Erik took me home. I saw my dad through the window but didn't pull back when Erik kissed me at the door. "Beach party tomorrow." he said, not looking thrilled.
"I know you're not a crowd person Erik but it'll be fun. We like the beach remember?" I said with a smile.
"I like the beach a lot - with you." he said and gave me another kiss. "Good night Gin." he said and turned to leave. I leaned against the door and watched him leave with a dreamy smile. I heard the click of the door nob and thankfully reacted before my dad opened it. I giggled, kissed him good night and went to my room without saying anything.
The next morning, I arrived at the beach early to stake out a good spot. Not wanting to put Erik through another "interview" with my dad so soon, we'd agreed to meet at the beach. I was near the lifeguard stand when he showed up.

"Good morning beautiful." he said pecking me on the cheek. "I like this swimsuit, new?" he asked admiringly.
"End of season sale." I said with a grin.
The party was in full swing with people running, playing in the water, tanning when Todd showed up - with Mei-Ling. I smiled as I pointed them out to Erik. He didn't really say anything - boy reaction. I watched them find chairs and saw Veronica watching them as well.

I wondered, once again, what she was planning or thinking but was determined to put her out of my mind. Erik and I joined in the activities and had a great time. When my shoulders got red he offered to reapply my sunscreen (such a hardship).

During a beach volleyball game, Mei-Ling pulled something in her shoulder and she and Todd left the game. I chanced a glance over and saw him massaging her shoulders. I almost took a volleyball to the head for my distraction and resolved, once again, to ignore them for the day.

But as the sun set and the air turned just a little chilly, I was sitting on the sand leaning back on Erik when I saw Todd and Mei-Ling almost kiss. They were interrupted by a shrill noise from behind them. No one could figure out where it came from but I imagine Veronica had something to do with it.

When the moon and stars had taken over the sky, I huddled closer to Erik, who wrapped his arms around me. "Not so bad eh?" I asked, looking up toward him.
He smiled and held me tighter. "I suppose not." he said. We stayed like that for awhile. People were lighting the fire pits but we were too content to move. Eventually though we got up to join a group by a fire.

As we stood, Erik looked at me. "When we did this three weeks ago, I thought it was the end." he said.
I nodded. "Me too." I said. "I'm glad we were wrong."
End Chapter.
Chapter 5: Rebounding
"Sorry I couldn't be more help yesterday." I said to Mei-Ling while we stood by my locker before school. "It was a crazy first day for me. How was your day?" I asked smiling at her.
"It was....different." she said with a small smile.
"So, you're here from China yes?" I asked. "You speak very good English."
"My mother spent many years here in America, my father only some. They met here but return to China when they married." she explained. "Mother taught me English."
I smiled. "She did well. There's a back to school beach party this weekend, they have it every year - will you come?"
Mei-Ling nodded. "I would like that."
"Good!" I said happily. I saw her look over my shoulder and turned to see Todd walking behind me. I quickly turned back to her hoping he would keep going. She looked at me quizzically but said nothing.

I didn't have any such luck. Todd came around to stand near Mei-Ling and try to get my attention. I focused on Mei-Ling. "So every year, the schools get together and throw a beach day to start the year off with a bang I guess. We all spend the whole day at the beach and parents and teachers are there but try to stay out of sight" I said with a laugh. "I think you'll have fun." I added as Todd cleared his throat a bit to get my attention.

"Yes Todd?" I said finally looking at him.
"Um...about last night." Todd started. I cut him off by shaking my head.
"Todd, let's not. Thanks." I looked at Mei-Ling who was watching us with a confused smile. "Mei-Ling, I don't think you know Todd. Todd, this is Mei-Ling..."

"She's staying with Veronica's family." I said as they shook hands. Todd looked my way surprised and I just shrugged. Once again I noticed Mei-Ling looking past us and glanced back. Erik. I looked back at Mei-Ling and grinned but avoided looking at Todd.
"Be right back" I said softly and turned to greet Erik.

I gave him a light kiss good morning and out of the corner of my eye saw Todd looking slightly upset and Mei-Ling looking back and forth between us again. I'm not sure if she was completely confused or understood everything but it didn't really matter.

The warning bell sounded and I took Erik's hand and turned to Mei-Ling, waving her over. The three of us had first period with Ms. Moore so we could walk there together. I gave a weak wave to Todd as the three of us walked away.
Todd had science first period with Veronica and Timothy. He walked to his own class milling over the last 24 hours. By some fluke he'd been assigned Timothy as a lab partner. As the final bell rang for first period he leaned over. "Hey man, what did I miss this summer?"

Timothy looked over at him a little surprised. "What?' he asked for clarification.
"Gin and that guy Erik - what happened?" Todd asked.
"How should I know? I've been gone all summer as well." Timothy said looking forward and ignoring Todd.
Todd didn't try to engage him further and turned toward the teacher. He spied Veronica looking his way and he nodded his head in her direction but didn't smile or wave.
At lunch, Erik, Mei-Ling, Timothy and I found a couple tables together. We were talking about the beach party when Veronica and Todd sat with us. In spite of everything, I didn't find this at all odd. Todd, Veronica, Timothy and I had been eating lunch together for years - even after V and Todd broke up last year.

"You guys ready to party this weekend?" Todd asked. Veronica smiled her flirty smile at him but he didn't notice it. The rest of us mostly nodded our agreement.
The rest of the week was pretty mild. On Thursday, Veronica approached me and begged me to come to cheerleader tryouts with her - not to tryout but to watch or something.
"Why do you need me there?" I asked eying her.
"I just want you to come. We're friends...." she trailed off, not really her strongest argument. She rolled her eyes and looked at my forehead instead of my eyes. "Please." she choked out.
I laughed then and continued smirking about it most of the day but agreed to show up as moral support or whatever. As it turned out, Mei-Ling was trying out as well and wanted me to come out as well so it worked out okay.
That afternoon, just before tryouts, Veronica came to sit with Erik and I looking huffy.

"She's going down." she said bluntly.
"Um....who?" I asked looking around for the object of her displeasure.
"Mei-Ling." Veronica said with a growl in her voice.
I looked at her surprised. "Why?" I probed.
"Just look." Veronica said pointing toward the track where most of the girls trying out were assembled.

I bit my lip to keep from grinning. Todd was hitting on her - and she was responding. He was flexing his muscles and everything. Inside I was thrilled. Maybe he'd stop shooting those troubled eyes at me every time I held Erik's hand. I couldn't look at V, she'd see the amusement all over my face. "What's wrong with that?" I asked as neutral as possible.
She glared at me then. "What's wrong with it?! That's MY Todd...."

"'ve broken up with him three times. I don't think he qualifies as yours. Besides, y'all have been broken up for months now." I said still watching Todd and Mei-Ling.
"But still..." she said said annoyed. "He's mine, and I'm tired of her being here."
"You mean, her taking everyone's attention from you?" I asked looking her in the eye. She didn't respond, instead she stood and walked away. She went down to the track and tried to make her own moves on Todd and for the first time, she was rejected...

"Oh that's bad." I said to no one in particular. "She'll be impossible to live with..."
Erik smirked beside me and put his arm around me. As the senior cheerleaders brought everyone together, he looked toward. "Tell me again why we're here?" he asked.

"I'm here as moral support for Mei-Ling...and V. You're here as mine." I said giving him a kiss and leaning into his shoulder. He shrugged in acknowledgment and looked back at the cheerleaders.
The senior cheerleaders led them through some awkward group cheers and encouraged them to be "Cheer-tastic" (which earned a smirk from Erik). Since none of them had practiced together it looked very disjointed but they had good moves - particular Mei-Ling.

Veronica was again outshined by Mei-Ling and it upset her. She looked less "Cheer-tastic" as the try out went on but on individual routines she nailed every move and every landing. For the sake of the school, I hoped the other cheerleaders and the coaches could look past the sour look on her face.

After the tryouts I wished them both luck before making a hasty retreat with Erik to the library. We had a history assignment to work on, and I just wanted to get away before Veronica attempted to kill Mei-Ling with a pom pom.
"So, tomorrow night?" Erik whispered across the table.
"Yes." I said with a smile. Then my smile faded. "But expect my dad to corner you...and be charming like I know you can be." I added. I didn't get a chance to elaborate before we were shushed by the librarian.

End Chapter
Chapter 4: Explanations
When we were finally released from detention, Erik walked with me to my unruly locker and even managed to finally get it open for me. I'm hesitant to even use it considering it took all day for me to get into it. We walked together out of the school and Erik took my hand and pulled me closer. "I should have called - as soon as I knew?" he said, somewhere between a statement and a question.

"Yes." I replied simply. I paused for a moment and then smiled. "But I'm glad you're here."
He pulled me even closer and gave me a lingering kiss. "Good, because I'm going to ask you out for Friday night." he said with a grin.
I smiled at him and held back a laugh. "I'll have to check my calendar." I teased.
"You do that." he said. "Can I walk you home?"
"You live on the the other side of town from me Erik." I said. "Thanks though." I gave him another quick kiss and headed down the school steps. As I neared the street I turned and looked back. "Don't forget to do your assignment!" I called and blew him a kiss.
It took me about half an hour to get back to my house, the whole way I could see Todd walking just a ways ahead of me, pointedly ignoring my presence. I sighed but didn't push the issue. I saw my dad's car in the driveway so I called out to him when I got home. "I'm home!" I said. Before I had a chance to move he came out of the study looking upset.

"Detention?!" he said bluntly.
I grimaced and looked away. I didn't try to explain and walked past him into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"It's no big deal Daddy." I said into the refrigerator.
"No big deal?" he asked surprised. "Ginny, you've never had detention in your life and you got it on your first day of high school. I wouldn't say that's no big deal."

Delaying as long as I could, I came out of the fridge with ice cream but as soon as I shut the fridge door I realized I didn't really want it. I set it down and looked anywhere by my dad's face. "I'm sorry Daddy....I just..." I paused. "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? That's all you've got?" he asked.
I shoved the ice cream back in the freezer and walked past him once more. "What more do you want Dad?" I asked walking into the living room. I hoped, rather than believed, that he wouldn't follow.

"An explanation Ginny. Stop walking away from me and stop avoiding the issue!" he said in his authoritative, parent voice I didn't hear often. I stopped walking and turned to face him.
"Well?" he prompted after a few moments of silence.
"I was talking in class and passing a note." I said simply.

He paused to consider that. "Okay. Why? And to who? What was so important it couldn't wait until after class?"
"Erik...Erik...and Erik." I said answering each of his questions.
"What about Erik? You were telling someone about him?" he said misunderstanding me.
"No. I was passing a note to Erik about Erik and it was important because...well he's Erik." I said.
"Erik's in Vermont." he said clearly looking confused.
I just shrugged and looked over my shoulder briefly. "I've got homework Daddy, can we talk about this later?" I asked. Before he could reply I turned and headed for the stairs. Of course he followed me.

"No we cannot talk about this later, we can talk about it now young lady." he said as we neared my room. I led the way in. I stopped finally and turned to him. "Erik came back, he moved in with dad. So he'll be here indefinitely." I explained.

My dad looked stunned, and a bit disappointed I noticed. It took him a few moments to process everything. "Okay, and he's in one of your classes. I take it he didn't tell you he was moving back?"
I nodded in reply. "It was quite a shock to walk into first period history and see him there. Especially after the incident with Todd."
"What about Todd?" my dad asked latching onto something familiar.
I tilted my head a bit and considered. "Oh we just had a misunderstanding. Things changed over the summer." I said a bit sad.
My dad nodded, in thought. "I don't like it." he finally said.
"Don't like what Daddy, you have to be more specific." I asked, now the confused one.
"Erik, Erik being back." he said bluntly.
I was stunned. He barely knew Erik! "Excuse me? You should be happy for me!"

He seemed to be calculating his words. "I don't like you seeing Erik." he said finally. "This summer, you spent almost every moment with him. It's too much."
I was speechless for several moments but he didn't continue. When I finally recovered my speech, it was halted and sputtering. "You, you didn't say....anything about it. What are you talking about?"
"I knew he was leaving after the summer..." he said. As soon as he saw the pain and anger cross my face he seemed to regret his words. "Ginny, I just shouldn't spend so much time with just him. You have other friends."
"And none of them were even HERE this summer. Erik makes me happy! Isn't that a good thing?!" I said, starting to yell.
"Of course but they're back now - just don't give up your friends for him." my dad said.
"I don't recall having given them up on the FIRST DAY I've seen them in three months!" I retorted. "And I don't plan to, but I love Erik."
"You're 15, Ginny! You don't kno...." he trailed off.
"I don't what Dad? I don't know what love is?" I asked angry and hurt. I shook my head and finally dropped my backpack on the floor. "You don't even know Erik Dad, you're not qualified to decide whether I can spend time with him or not!" I pushed past him and ran out to the yard. When I got there I wasn't sure where to go exactly but spotted my old childhood playhouse and went in to hide.

I was hugging my old teddy bear when I heard a light knock on the door. I put the bear down quickly and looked toward the door and saw Todd. "Todd." I said holding back tears directed mostly at my dad.
He closed the door behind him. "I saw your light on. You don't come in here any more so..."

"You came to check on me?" I asked with a small smile, I scooted over on the couch so he could sit as well.
"Yeah." Todd said sitting next to me. We sat together in silence for a few minutes. "I'm sorry Ginny. I'm sorry for not calling, I'm sorry for assuming, I'm sorry for today."

I nodded, blinking back more tears. "Why didn't you call or email Todd? We've been friends since kindergarten..."
"I know, I should have. I just..." he paused and looked away. "You're always there for me, you always forgive me. No matter what else changes - you and I - we're always the same and I guess.....I figured it would always be like. You and me."
I didn't say anything and didn't look at him. After several minutes of silence I looked at him and smiled a bit.

"Do you remember when we used to play house in here?" I asked.
"Yeah." he said with a smile. "We were always married and had like twelve children - every baby doll you owned."
"And they were all named with either Todd or Ginny!" I said with a laugh.
"Right!" he said laughing with me. We laughed for a few minutes and then the silence returned. "Are we gonna be okay?" he asked starting to put his arm around me, like we'd done many times as friends. He hesitated, waiting for me.
I nodded and leaned into him just a little. "Yeah I think we will be Todd."

I pulled away just a little to look at his face. "But you have to try to be nice to Erik."
He looked forward and didn't say anything. "Do you love him?" he said, still not looking at me.
"Yes." I said honestly. "And I love you - although not the same way." I added.
Todd just nodded. "Okay, I'll try to be nice."
"Thanks Todd." I said leaning back against him. We just stayed together in silence for awhile.
"Gin?" he said, still looking at the wall of play house.
"Yeah Todd?" I asked looking toward him.

He turned to look at me and said nothing. He seemed to be considering something so I didn't interrupt but looked at him questioningly.
"Todd?" I asked trying to prompt him to say whatever he wanted to say.
He didn't reply, just went on looking at me. Then, without much warning, he leaned in and kissed me.

Our lips connected for one second, two seconds before my brain caught up and I pushed him away. "Todd! No! I won't...."
"Ginny! I'm sorry!" he said flustered. "I....I really am sorry."
I didn't say anything and scooted to the other side of the couch, folding my hands in my lap.

"Ginny?" he prompted me for a reply. When I didn't speak he continue. "Ginny please? Talk to me."
I bit my lip and looked at him. "I think you should go home Todd." I said barely above a whisper. My eyes were ready to fill with tears once again.
He nodded and stood. "Right." he looked at me and then the door and then back at me. "I'm sorry again." he said and turned to leave. I watched him go while holding back the waterworks.

"Goodbye Todd." I said softly as the door clicked shut.
End Chapter